Monday, January 26, 2009

You are not invisible on the web

I'm convinced a way to truly get to know someone is to look at the history tab on their browser. I don't recommend actually doing this. It's creepy and I don't think your friends and family would appreciate it.

Think about how your web history reflects your personality.  The average person spends several hours each day online.  It's our primary method for gathering information.  When was the last time you didn't google something you wanted to know?  

Do you check the Drudge Report every five minutes?  Do you Facebook stalk romantic interests?  Are you googling communism and anarchy?  Are you addicted to pornography?  

You can tell a lot about a person based on how they browse in their spare time.  Search engines know us better than we know ourselves.  Think about all the information Google gathers when a person has web history enabled for their account.  That is why the first line in their Code of Conduct is, "Don't Be Evil."  Imagine what Google could do if they chose to be.

This isn't a conspiracy theory.  I just think people forget the internet is a public place.  It's an exchange of information that leaves you vulnerable for potential invasions of privacy.  Here is a podcast I produced that discusses the topic a little more.

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